marți, 29 iunie 2010

Just one

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one

Not by me, but I <3 it!

duminică, 27 iunie 2010

The hardest battle

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight.Never stop fighting"
And indeed it is.
This few words resume the essence of the thoughts I've been having lately.

vineri, 25 iunie 2010


A blend of colors, imagination, paint, smiles, care , patience and love.
Made with soul for souls.
Pick one. There are more to come.

miercuri, 23 iunie 2010

The worm

Sometimes he remembered how he spent nights consumed by the worm.
He can't remember the first time he felt it, but there where moments when he felt like it had always been there.Eating him from the inside.
Other times he almost forgot it existed. Maybe because it became one with him or maybe it was asleep.
Yes, the worm can be asleep, but each time it awakes, it's stronger. Hungry, so hungry.
He tried to ignore it, he tried to fight it, he tried to pretend it does not exist, he tried to accept it, understand it, love it, hate it, kill it, hide it, but he always knew it's still there.
I hope someday he'll find a way.

sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010


Inima este punctul de intalnire dintre trup si suflet.

miercuri, 9 iunie 2010

I wonder...

Cine reprezinta comuniunea sufletului cu trupul?

luni, 7 iunie 2010

1 second

1 second is enough to change it all
1 second can change everything
1 second and your life can become very different

and I don't know if this is a creepy thing or a good thing

duminică, 6 iunie 2010

The blue heart 3

-Hy, I am here for the blue heart :D
-The blue heart?:D
-I see it's ready, it's finnaly ready
-*looks confused*
-Oh, you don't remember me?
-I am the girl that asked you for the blue heart, we talked like 4-5 times?
-I don't think you talked with me
-Yes, I did. I am sure it was you!
-Are you sure?
-Yes!Well anyway...can I have it now??
-Uh, it's pretty!
-An old man made it.

joi, 3 iunie 2010

The blue heart 2

-Hy :D
-Hy :-/ it ready?
-The blue heart?!
-No?But it's been a while...
-Tell me, is there a special event u need it for?
-No, just for me.
- O.o
- (:

miercuri, 2 iunie 2010

O poveste diferita

A asteptat-o in fiecare secunda, in fiecare minut, in fiecare ora, in fiecare zi, in fiecare luna, in fiecare an. Nici nu mai cunostea notiunea timpului, nu mai conta. Din cand in cand simtea o greutate rece care il apasa si apoi il ingheta incet. Se temea atunci, ca o sa inghete de tot si o sa moara fara sa...
Insa, in fiecare primavara isi revenea. Era parca mai plin de viata si de speranta.
De ceva vreme nu mai stia nimic de el.Il mai vazuse de cateva ori si o asteptasera impreuna.Pe ea o simtea insa, mai puternica.
O furtuna a inceput brusc. Il ravasa si il cutremura.
Daca ar fi putut ar fi strigat-o. Uneori i se parea ca vantul ii da glas si ca atunci poate ajunge pana departe, langa ea...
Stropii mari, greoi se inteteau, incercau sa il cuprinda.
Totusi, astazi spuneau o poveste diferita.