miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Hello December, hello winter!

I am ...

Astazi era sa imi cada un turture huge si ascutit fix in cap si probabil ca cei din jurul meu ar fi avut parte de o scena tip Happy Tree Friends...
Apoi, mi-a ajuns cat am "patinat" in aceasta superba zi pentru toata iarna, iar gandul de a da pe la patinoar sa-mi incerc talentul a fost complet ERASED.
De asemenea, am un sfat pentru voi: inainte sa iesiti din casa, sa va uitati in oglinda si sa va stabiliti fatza pe care doriti sa o aveti pe tot parcursul zilei.Deci, daca e o zi din aia in care trebuie sa fiti cat mai seriosi/sobri, sa nu va puna naiba sa zambiti cat sunteti pe afara. Ca asa ramaneti.
Ma si imaginez avand o discutie foarte serioasa cu un controlor in RATB in timp ce seman cu Rudolph care zambeste precum binecunoscutul emoticon ":D"
Bafta in Ice-Land.

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

Lost pair

It seems I always lose one of my earrings.
I have many pairs that I truly care about, but I don't know how I do it, each time I discover I've lost another one.
It happens exactly the same with gloves. As a matter of fact I have a bag full of gloves.Gloves without their pair.
I just imagined myself walking by with a red glove for my left hand and a green one for my right. Haha, and of course with different earrings.
I try to make it seem funny, but right now I'm kinda upset.

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

What happens then?

It was brought to my attention that people tend to develop fake NEEDs.
Daily, we are faced with a tone of information.
How much of this unspeakable enormous quantity do we really NEED to know?
Hard to say, but the fact is we can't tell anymore: is it the mass-media?
is it the society?is it our own limits that we tend to build around and between us?
What is this difference between what we really NEED and what we are induced to believe so?

I presume you are familiar with Maslow's PIRAMID. The first time I saw it(a few years ago) I found it veeeeeery interesting. I could write many pages about it or talk for many hours, but that's not the reason I am writing this right now.

I'm having a lot of random thoughts about needs, wishes, real needs, dreams, hopes, illusions and what are people actualy looking for, but there is this main ideea that's been haunting my mind latley and had also been proven to me in different contexts:

Sometimes what you are desperately looking for (or what you think you NEED), could be right in front of you.
You can either see it and enjoy it or you can pass right by it, having no idea of what just happened.

But the question is: what do you do when you eventually open your eyes and realize you just passed by what you were looking for?
(let's also presume you can't change anything now, and that you are just like a helpless outsider of your own life, reviewing it, but from a much objective perspective)

What happens then?


joi, 28 octombrie 2010

The blue morpho

The wish granter, a symbol of rebirth and evolution.

A storyteller. A creature living for the present,but with no sense of time, no perception of the cruel reality or the life-death circle.

An unique color-a mixture of very nice shades of electric blue, in a continuous metamorphose.

It's like, one day, the sky got so mad and wanted to burn the whole earth, but instead of flames, the blue morpho arised.
Sky might have been angry, but in his madness he created love. A love with glowing wings.

A hope bringer and a masterpiece.

That's the blue morpho butterfly.

My latest love.

sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010


Titlul postarii reflecta exact ceea ce s-a petrecut acum cateva minute in baia mea.
Am de ceva vreme obsesia parului roscat:imi place la nebunie si mi se pare deosebit.
Dupa lungi dezbateri cu diverse persoane si ceva timp petrecut in fata oglinzii, gandindu-ma cum as arata roscata, daca mi s-ar potrivii, m-am decis sa incerc.
Insa, o alta problema "existentiala" a inceput sa imi dea batai de cap. Cum ramane cu regenerarea parului?(Da, mi-am propus sa incerc sa imi feresc parul, pe cat posibil, de tot ceea ce ii face rau-placa, uscat cu aer cald, dar si...vopsit).
Iata-ma astfel intr-o situatie destul de contradictorie.
To be or not to be a readhead?! Ca de obicei obsesia mea a atins cote maxime, de parca toata lumea din jurul meu era roscata numai eu nu si trebuia neaparat sa incerc.
Intamplator am dat de HENNA si am cercetat putin problema pe Googule.
-din plante
-fara oxigenare
-fara conservanti
-nu distruge parul
-100% naturala
-si mai ales: culoarea Rosieeeeeeee, rosu rosu rosu

Bun. Astea sa zicem ca sunt punctele forte.
Exista insa si niste aspecte mai putin placute:
-daca parul tau a suferit orice fel de tratament chimic, sau decolorare nu poti folosi HENNA
-daca folosesti HENNA nu mai poti sa te vopsesti cu altceva (nu stiu exact cat timp, parerii impartite)
-are consistenta zatului de cafea, se intinde foarte greu pe par si nu adera de fire
-miros intepator(pe mine nu m-a deranjat)
Foarte importanta insa sa va luati 2-3 cutii daca aveti paul trecut de umeri.
Eu mi-am luat o cutie(fix ca cea din poza) si am avut NEPLACUTA surpriza sa reusesc sa imi fac ca lumea doar jumatate de cap. Asa ca m-am clatit destul de repede, dupa maxim 20 de min si inca astept sa mi se usuce parul sa vad rezultatele. Momentan, nimic surprinzator, doar mici reflexe.
As mai adauga pt eventualele doritoare de asa ceva:
-grab a friend or 2 to help you
-acopera toata baia cu ziare daca nu vrei sa stai 1 zi sa cureti
-manusi neaparat-pateaza
- imbracate in haine care nu iti mai trebuie
-toarna apa aproape fiarta peste pulberea HENNA si amesteca bine pana seamana cu iaurtul-crema(la consistenta desigur)
-ah da, fa testul cu putin produs pe incheitura mainii sa verifici daca nu esti alergica(rare cazuri, but just in case)
-si...GOOD LUCK.

P.S: In cazul meu, un lucru e sigur portocaliu-jumatate de fata!:))
P.S2: Mersi celor de pe Facebook care mi-au spus parerea lor \m/

After 20 min from first posting here:

marți, 31 august 2010

Hello september, hello autumn

Hello old friend,
what kind of depression do you have for me this year?

The one I'm feeling dead inside?
The one I'm really really sensitive about everything?
The one where I can't find the colors in my life?
The one where I feel frozen and freezing?
The one where I am lost and can't seem to know myself anymore?
The one where I feel really lonely?
The one where you bring back old painful memories?
The one where no matter what I do I feel sad and empty?
or maybe...
The one where I have a mixture of anger and regret inside and I don't even know why?
Oh...maybe the one where I don't have any inner motivation anymore?
...the one I lose my will to live?

You know what autumn?
In the past...6-7 years you always had one of these for me, or maybe a mix of them.
Anyway, the point is, things are now different.
Many people say the autumn depression is a cliche, but I think not.
At least for me it wasn't.
Summer was over=holiday was over
Holiday was over=school started
School started=Problems started
etc. etc. etc.

I know is not gonna be easy this year either. But at least I will fight this vicious circle messing up my life every year.

This time I want to say:
"Hello autumn!" with a smile on my face.

I promise I'll try to see the goods of this season and I'll repaint my room SCREAMING ORANGE with YELLOW DOTS if that will be necessary.

So, I don't know what the end of summer means for you all, but I wish you'll have one hell of a nice autumn.

I know I'll try to have one.

luni, 30 august 2010

The girl with the red umbrella.

I like to sleep with my socks on.
Only my socks on.

I like to eat whenever I want, what I want.
And I eat dessert first, if i feel like doing so.

I like hugs and laughing.
I could hug and laugh all day long. Makes me happy.

I like to look at people in the subway and imagine their stories.
I like to smile.

I like colors, baby animals, nature, long walks and sweets.
I like to lay down in the middle of the room and listen to music.

I like painting. Especially painting with my fingers.
Feeling the paint with my pores.

I like to speak my mind and staying true to myself.
I like sincerity and sunshine.

I like pure air.
I like to really breath.

I like to make bubblegum balloons.
Even if I am in the middle of a serious meeting.

I like to stay up at night and simply stare at the moon.
I like to howl in the middle of the street and dance in the rain.

Speaking of rain, I don't like having an umbrella.
If absolutely necessary, I prefer a red one.

I'm the girl with the red umbrella.

And I don't give a fuck if u disagree.